Meals will consist of breakfast, lunch and AM or PM snack. Children who arrive after meal times should be fed before they arrive. We will send you a menu of what we will feed the children. If you do not want your child to eat what is supplied, you must bring in your child’s lunch and snacks. If your child has allergies and requires a special diet, then you will need to provide food for your child. Also, we will require a note from their doctor stating their allergies.
Parents of infants will need to supply all formula, baby water, and baby food. We do supply some fruits and vegetables. It is my belief that infants should be fed on demand. If parents have another feeding schedule in mind, we will need to discuss so that the infants needs can be adequately met.
We participate in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP) administered by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Meals served must meet nutrition requirements established by the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program. A medical statement from your child’s doctor is necessary if your child cannot eat foods required by the CACFP.
Infant Meals
Parents of infants will need to supply all formula, baby water, and baby food. It is my belief that infants should be fed on demand. If parents have another feeding schedule in mind, we will need to discuss, so that the infants needs can be adequately met.
Toddler Meals
Sample Menu:
Breakfast: Oatmeal & fruit
AM Snack: Animal Crackers & Milk
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich with fruit & veggie
PM Snack: Yogurt